Friday, August 10, 2012

Justice and Equality.

Declared a state of emergency works to arrest him. Justice and Equality Movement in Darfur accused of conspiring with the commander of its forces in Khartoum and Chad

«Jibril Ibrahim»

08-10-2012 02:01 AM
London: Mustafa secret

In a striking development exempted Justice and Equality Movement, the largest rebel movements in Darfur, the Commander in Chief of its forces Bakheet Abdullah Abdul Karim, alias «Dabjo» from office, and accused him, led a conspiracy against the movement and the Alliance of the Revolutionary Front, in conjunction with intelligence governments of Sudan and Chad, and took the head of the movement Dr. Jibril, the position of Commander in Chief while assigned to the last, at a time in which he announced the ruling party in Khartoum to get peace at any price means war.

The President of the Movement by Dr. Jibril Ibrahim in a statement received by «Middle East» a copy of it, a decision to exempt the commander of his forces Bakheet Abdullah Abdul-Karim (Dabjo) as of yesterday, agreed that the head of the movement which is at the same time, the Supreme Commander, served as Commander in Chief to pending the appointment of an alternative, and shall be considered the most serious since the death of the Movement Dr. Khalil Ibrahim in late December (December) the past in North Kordofan, is not known whether this decision will lead to split the movement and the military confrontation between the parties or that the actions taken can lead to contain the situation.

For his part, said Advisor to the President of movement for Media Affairs Mahjoub Hussein told «Middle East», The Commander in Chief of Army movement, who has been discharged was driving the plot shared with intelligence governments of Sudan and Chad, and added that the movement through the monitoring of informational discovered that the pilot year was to work within a cell closed led by the Head of Security and Intelligence Sudanese Mohammed Atta, and Minister of State at the presidential palace by Dr. Amin Hassan Omar, Minister of Health, Bahar Idriss Abu Garda leader of the Liberation Movement and Justice, said that the goal was to split the movement, the Revolutionary Front, pointing out that Dabjo was driving consultations with a number of cadres of the movement to construct described and weaken the alliance Revolutionary Front, which includes along with the Justice and Equality movements SLA factions of Minni Arko Minawi and Abdul Wahid Mohammed Nur, and the SPLM in the north of Sudan, adding that the head of the movement as the Supreme Commander will assume the post of Commander in Chief, and that he is holding consultations within the Movement and with factions, the Revolutionary Front for dealing with new developments.

Hussein said that the group declared a state of emergency within its ranks, and that its army will arrest the Commander in Chief who has been discharged, and added: «Dabjo now in Darfur has received money from Khartoum and N'Djamena, will not be able to face our forces; because those with it's simple, representing his bodyguards». He said: «can be arrested and will be dealt with in accordance with the laws of motion of the Interior, and sure enough it does not have a military force, saying», diminishing the effect of exempting the Commander in Chief in the movement politically and militarily, and said: «will not affect our political and military, on the contrary, the movement recover from such plots and intrigues ». He added that the secrets held by the Commander in Chief has been dealing with it, and it will not harm the strategy of the movement of political and military, which has taken its leadership arrangements of the four days before, and continued: «If it is not arrested it is certain that he will arrive in Khartoum to start a series of selling the issue of his family and the marginalized, and manages to work against resistance forces, but it will be useful ».

Middle East

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