Wednesday, October 17, 2012


LISTEN TO MY WORDS ABOUT MUSLIM BROTHERS.- للعمله المعدنية وجهان احدهما اسود وهم الاخوان المسلمين والوجه الاخر هو النازية والفاشية عبدالعظيم La monetta ha due facce una nera e quella del Fratelli Muslimani l'altra nerrissima e quella del Nazi THE DARK FACES OF A COIN ONE IS THE MUSLIM BROTHERS AND THE OTHER IS THE NAZI, FACI..........................azim Do you fear the Muslim Brotherhood? 10-17-2012 02:10 AM Osman Mirghani Of video controversial statements contained in the words of Rachid Ghannouchi, leader Renaissance Movement of Tunisia, to controversial decision also taken by Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi to dismiss Attorney General Abdel Meguid Mahmoud and withdrew it under pressure of judges and lawyers, and after clashes witnessed by Tahrir Square on Friday and called by some name «Fri treachery», there is pushing fueling the fear of political Islamic movements, and perhaps gives justification to those who say: The philosophy of the Islamists in volatility between the government and the opposition is based on the base «Althompskn until mastery» therefore now see Islamist movements change its skin and tend for the same dress Althompskn after the Arab Spring, taking off from convinced that after she came to power, it must cling to him. Strange that the leaders of these movements aware of these concerns as some pointed out at the conference, which was held in Doha a few days ago under the title «Islamists and democratic system of government .. Experiences and trends », but it does not do enough to dispel the reassurance of broad sectors of public opinion fears that the majority Islamists do not really believe in democracy, but they take a ride to get to power, while they were planning to actually impose Dictatorathm own style of their brothers in Sudan who betrayed democracy and turned them tanks to establish authoritarian rule have passed 23 years and still Brotherhood maneuvering and share to continue regardless of the price for which they were imposed on the country and the people to pay. There are of course a lot of statements «soft» and talk a lot about democracy, pluralism and respect for freedoms by a number of leaders of Islamic movements, but acts contrary to statements often, and practices Chi that there a strong current among these movements wants to cling to power what he considers gains and must be relinquished, at any cost, even if that price is the practice of intimidation and even violence against opponents as it became clear in Egypt through several clashes between supporters of the regime and its opponents, most recently the events of last Friday. How can ratify leaders «Brotherhood» that talk about democracy and respect for freedom of opinion and expression, when we went supporters to come out in demonstrations in support of President Mercy in support of his decision to demobilize the Attorney General, a decision that exceeds his constitutional powers and therefore was forced to retreat with him under pressure of judges and lawyers who went on alert to defend the independence judicial authority in the second confrontation with him after he tried to overturn the decision of the Supreme Constitutional Court and to convene the Parliament? Worse still, a «Brotherhood» paid their supporters to protest in the same place on the same day that had been set by political forces and youth since period for the conduct of demonstrations launched by the label «statement», in reference to the accounting Mercy on his promises to the hundred days the first of his reign, which considered an attempt by the Brotherhood to abortion demonstrations opposition to President outcome was witnessed violent clashes that Tahrir Square. Denials issued by the group after clashes seemed funny rather than convincing, when he said her spokesman, Dr. Mahmoud Ghozlan said that «(Brotherhood) are not attacking one, and did so loving Prime Mercy», noted that demonstrators «Brotherhood» chanted slogans of the type «freedom and justice .. Mercy and Rah his men »,« Najib right .. Oh die their uniforms, which cheers confirm affiliation demonstrators for the Brotherhood and their party, and exudes a tone of threat and violence. The community has shown on several occasions since the revolution, they were willing to policy muscle-flexing in the streets and intimidate opponents, which is used by many of its opponents and critics of the argument to demonstrate the tendency of tyranny has rejected the other opinion and freedom of expression when exercised this freedom against it. Such contradiction between words and deeds also found in remarks Mursi few days ago in Alexandria when he spoke in his supporters and eating crisis dismissal of the Attorney General, referring to the need to «correct» conditions of the judiciary, and then said: «We respect the situation justice, but that does not mean that we leave abusers destiny of the nation of the symbols of the former regime free us », a word contradicts part, because respect for the judiciary means respect for its resolutions and non-interference to influence them or to take an argument for« correct conditions », a term means changes in him and its leaders to suit the president and plans« Brotherhood ». The Mursi, a critic of the judiciary, he had begun his reign the release of all prisoners of presidential pardon Islamic groups and not through judicial decisions, but he offered amnesty about مسجوني groups on amnesty for prisoners of the youth revolution. The Brotherhood also apparently do not consider full control of the government unless they can control the judiciary, appointments or Balaqalat, intimidation or carrots, and so as not to be an obstacle to any decisions they make or Square confrontation with opponents of the programs they want to impose. And the judiciary will not be the only battlefield in the coming period, because the Brotherhood revealed early eyes on the media also entered him in the long diatribes, and started some steps to control it under the banner of 'correct conditions. If we take the experience of the Islamists of Sudan model, or تمعنا in the statements contained in the video Ghannouchi said the economy and the military will be also Square attraction because Islamists want to impose their control on them, or at least finish what they call secular control them. Is there reason for concern? Movements Islamists since revolutions Arab Spring gives undoubtedly justified for those who are worried, even among those who have called for giving them the chance to test their intentions and their slogans, and what is happening in Egypt will have the greatest impact inevitably judged whether they are able to co-exist with democracy and respect for fundamental principles in the peaceful transfer on power through the ballot box, and respect for freedom of opinion and expression and political pluralism, human rights, or are they only maneuvering and waiting for an opportunity to establish authoritarian governments. Middle East

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