Storia del FUG
Nel XV secolo la parte della Nubia precedentemente controllata da Makuria era sede di una serie di piccoli Stati e soggetti a frequenti incursioni dai nomadi del deserto. La situazione in Alodia è meno noto, ma sembra anche come se quello stato era crollato. L'area è stata riunificata sotto Abdallah Jamma, il raccoglitore, che è venuto dalle regioni orientali che erano cresciuti ricco e potente dal commercio sul Mar Rosso. L'impero di Abdallah è stato di breve durata, come nei primi anni del XVI secolo il popolo Fung sotto Amara Dunkas arrivati da sud, essendo stato guidato nord dalla Shilluk. Il Funj sconfitto Abdallah e creare il proprio regno in base a Sennar.
Il Fung aveva inizialmente praticato un mix religioso di animismo e cristianesimo. L'Islam ha avuto una notevole influenza, e nel 1523 la monarchia Sennar convertito ufficialmente che la religione, anche se molti elementi delle credenze precedenti continuato. Sennar si espanse rapidamente a scapito degli Stati vicini. Il suo potere è stato esteso il Gezira, il Butana, il Bayuda, e del sud Kordofan. Ciò ha causato tensioni con i vicini immediati. Etiopia sentiva molto minacciata ma i suoi problemi interni impedito l'intervento. Recentemente Ottomano Egitto ha visto anche il nuovo stato come una minaccia e invaso in vigore, ma poi non è riuscito a conquistare la zona, in modo che le forze ottomane fortificato al confine e consolidato la loro presa sul nord Nubia. Questo confine terrebbe fino al 1821.
I rapporti con l'Etiopia sono state più tese come due stati gareggiato su pianura tra i due Stati. Alla fine gli etiopi trasferirono la loro capitale nella vicina Gondar e fissato la loro influenza su tali aree. Conflitti con il Shilluk a sud hanno continuato, ma poi i due sono stati costretti a una difficile alleanza per combattere la crescente potenza dei Dinka. Sotto Sultan Badi II, Sennar sconfitto il Regno del Regno di Taqali a ovest e ha fatto il suo sovrano (stile Woster o Makk) il suo vassallo.
Gli eserciti di Sennar affidamento più sulla cavalleria pesante: cavalieri tratte dalla nobiltà, armati di lunghe spade come le staffe punta che hanno usato non consentire l'uso di lance. Questi piloti hanno blindate con cotta di maglia, mentre i cavalli erano coperte di trapunte di spessore e copricapo di rame. Una maggiore massa di truppe erano fanti che erano composte da schiavi, anche portando spade e blindati. Questo esercito permanente in piedi era presidiata in castelli e fortezze in tutto il sultanato. La dipendenza da un esercito permanente ha fatto sì che gli eserciti messe in campo da Sennar erano di solito piuttosto piccola, ma altamente efficace contro i loro rivali meno organizzati.
Sennar è stato fortemente diviso lungo linee geografiche e razziali / etnici. La società era divisa in sei gruppi razziali. Il blu, il verde, il giallo, il rosso, il verde mista con il giallo, e gli schiavi che sono stati portati da più a sud. La capitale, prospera attraverso il commercio, ha ospitato i rappresentanti provenienti da tutto il Medio Oriente e l'Africa.
C'era una netta divisione tra quelli che erano gli eredi dell'antico regno di Alodia e il resto del Sennar. I Alodians adottato il manto degli sconfitti Abdallah Jamma e venne ad essere conosciuto come il Abdallab. Alla fine del XVI secolo, si alzarono in rivolta sotto Ajib il Grande. Ajib indirizzato Re di Sennar, prima che li rende suoi vassalli e poi cogliendo quasi tutto il regno nel 1606. Il Sennar monarchia raggruppate sotto Adlan I, sconfiggendo Ajib in un paio di battaglie decisive. Alla fine un compromesso è stato raggiunto per cui Ajib ei suoi successori avrebbero governato la provincia di Sennar Dongola con una grande autonomia.
Sennar era al suo apice alla fine del XVI secolo, ma nel corso del XVII ha cominciato a diminuire il potere della monarchia è stata erosa. La ricchezza e il potere dei sultani avevano a lungo appoggiato sul controllo dell'economia. Tutte le roulotte erano controllati dal monarca, come era la fornitura d'oro che ha funzionato come valuta principale dello Stato. Nel tempo è stato eroso questo potere. Le valute estere si è diffuso da mercanti rompere il potere del monarca per controllare da vicino l'economia. Il commercio fiorente ha creato una classe benestante di mercanti istruiti e colti, che hanno letto ampiamente sull'Islam e che sono diventate molto preoccupato per la mancanza di ortodossia nel regno. La monarchia di Sennar era stato a lungo considerato come semi-divino, in linea con le tradizioni antiche, ma questa idea corse fortemente in contrasto con l'Islam. Molti festival e rituali persistito anche da giorni precedenti, e un loro numero coinvolto il consumo massiccio di alcol. Queste tradizioni sono stati abbandonati. La sfida più grande per l'autorità del re era il ulema mercante finanziato che ha insistito che era giustamente il loro dovere di far giustizia.
Nel 1762 Badi IV fu rovesciato da un colpo di stato lanciato da Abu Likayik del rosso Hamaj da nord-est del paese. Abu Likayik installato un altro membro della famiglia reale come il suo sultano burattino e governò come reggente. Questo ha cominciato lungo conflitto tra il Fung sultani tentativo di riaffermare la loro indipendenza e autorità e reggenti Hamaj che tentano di mantenere il controllo del vero potere dello stato.
Queste divisioni interne notevolmente indebolito lo stato e alla fine del 1700 Mek Adlan II, figlio di Mek Taifara, presero il potere in un periodo turbolento in cui una presenza turca veniva istituito nel regno Fung. Il sovrano turco, Al-Tahir Agha, sposato Khadeeja, figlia di Mek Adlan II. Ciò ha aperto la strada per l'assimilazione del Fung nell'Impero Ottomano.
Nel 1821, Ismail bin Muhammad Ali il generale e figlio del Khedive nominalmente ottomano d'Egitto, Muhammad Ali, guidò un esercito in Sennar; ha incontrato alcuna resistenza da parte l'ultimo re, il cui regno è stato prontamente assorbito Ottomano Egitto. La regione è stato successivamente assorbito nel Sudan anglo-egiziano e la Repubblica indipendente del Sudan per l'indipendenza del paese nel 1956.
Righelli di Sennar
Amara Dunqas 1503-1533 / 4 (AH 940)
Nayil 1533/4 (AH 940) -1550/1 (AH 957)
Abd al-Qadir I 1550/1 (AH 957) -1557/8 (AH 965)
Abu Sakikin 1557/8 (AH 965) -1568
Dakin 1568-1585 / 6 (AH 994)
Dawra 1585/6 (AH 994) -1587/8 (AH 996)
Tayyib 1587/8 (AH 996) -1591
Unsa I 1591-1603 / 4 (AH 1012)
Abd al-Qadir II 1603/4 (AH 1012) -1606
Adlan I 1606-1611 / 2 (AH 1020)
Badi I 1611/2 (AH 1020) -1616/7 (AH 1025)
Rabat I 1616/7 (AH 1025) -1644/5
Badi II 1644 / 5-1681
Unsa II 1681-1692
Badi III 1692-1716
Unsa III 1719-1720
nul 1720-1724
Badi IV 1724-1762
Nasir 1762-1769
Isma'il 1768-1769
Adlan II 1776-1789
Awkal 1787-1788
Tayyib II 1788-1790
Badi V 1790
Nàwwar 1790-1791
Badi VI 1791-1798
Ranfi 1798-1804
Agban 1804-1805
Badi VII 1805-1821
reggenti Hamaj
Abu Likayik - 1769-1775 / 6
Badi walad Rajab - 1775 / 6-1780
Rajab 1780-1786 / 7
Nasir 1786 / 7-1788
R.S. O'Fahey e J.L Spaulding Regni del Sudan
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Il tuo contributo sarà utilizzato per migliorare la qualità della traduzione e può essere mostrato agli utenti in modo anonimoContribuisciChiudiGrazie per l'invio.Definizioni di Storia del FUG
In the fifteenth century the part of Nubia formerly controlled by Makuria was home to a number of small states and subject to frequent incursions by desert nomads. The situation in Alodia is less well known, but it also seems as though that state had collapsed. The area was reunified under Abdallah Jamma, the gatherer, who came from the eastern regions that had grown wealthy and powerful from the trade on the Red Sea. Abdallah's empire was short lived as in the early sixteenth century the Funj people under Amara Dunkas arrived from the south, having been driven north by the Shilluk. The Funj defeated Abdallah and set up their own kingdom based at Sennar.
The Funj had originally practiced a religious mix of Animism and Christianity. Islam also had an important influence, and in 1523 the Sennar monarchy officially converted to that religion, though many elements of the previous beliefs continued. Sennar expanded rapidly at the expense of neighboring states. Its power was extended over the Gezira, the Butana, the Bayuda, and southern Kordofan. This caused immediate tensions with its neighbours. Ethiopia felt much threatened but its internal problems prevented intervention. Newly Ottoman Egypt also saw the new state as a threat and invaded in force, but then failed to conquer the area, so the Ottoman forces fortified the border and consolidated their hold on northern Nubia. This border would hold until 1821.
Relations with Ethiopia were more strained as both states competed over lowlands between their two states. Eventually the Ethiopians moved their capital to nearby Gondar and secured their influence over these areas. Conflicts with the Shilluk to the south continued, but later the two were forced into an uneasy alliance to combat the growing might of the Dinka. Under Sultan Badi II, Sennar defeated the Kingdom of Taqali to the west and made its ruler (styled Woster or Makk) its vassal.
The armies of Sennar relied most on heavy cavalry: horsemen drawn from the nobility, armed with long broadswords as the toe stirrups they used did not permit the use of lances. These riders were armoured with chain mail while the horses were covered in thick quilts and copper headgear. A greater mass of troops were infantry who were composed of slaves, also carrying swords and armoured. This permanent standing army was garrisoned in castles and forts throughout the sultanate. Reliance on a standing army meant that the armies fielded by Sennar were usually quite small, but highly effective against their less organized rivals.
Sennar was heavily divided along geographic and racial/ethnic lines. The society was divided into six racial groups. The blue, the green, the yellow, the red, the green mixed with yellow, and the slaves who were brought from further south. The capital, prosperous through trade, hosted representatives from all over the Middle East and Africa.
There was a sharp division between those who were the heirs of the ancient kingdom of Alodia and the rest of Sennar. The Alodians adopted the mantle of the defeated Abdallah Jamma and came to be known as the Abdallab. In the late sixteenth century they rose in revolt under Ajib the Great. Ajib routed the Kings of Sennar, first making them his vassals and then seizing almost the entire kingdom in 1606. The Sennar monarchy regrouped under Adlan I, defeating Ajib in a pair of decisive battles. Eventually a compromise was reached whereby Ajib and his successors would rule the Sennar province of Dongola with a great deal of autonomy.
Sennar was at its peak at the end of the sixteenth century, but over the seventeenth it began to decline as the power of the monarchy was eroded. The wealth and power of the sultans had long rested on the control of the economy. All caravans were controlled by the monarch, as was the gold supply that functioned as the state's main currency. In time this power was eroded. Foreign currencies became widely used by merchants breaking the power of the monarch to closely control the economy. The thriving trade created a wealthy class of educated and literate merchants, who read widely about Islam and became much concerned about the lack of orthodoxy in the kingdom. The monarchy of Sennar had long been regarded as semi-divine, in keeping with ancient traditions, but this idea ran strongly counter to Islam. Many festivals and rituals also persisted from earlier days, and a number them involved massive consumption of alcohol. These traditions were also abandoned. The greatest challenge to the authority of the king was the merchant funded ulema who insisted it was rightfully their duty to mete out justice.
In 1762 Badi IV was overthrown in a coup launched by Abu Likayik of the red Hamaj from the northeast of the country. Abu Likayik installed another member of the royal family as his puppet sultan and ruled as regent. This began long conflict between the Funj sultans attempting to reassert their independence and authority and the Hamaj regents attempting to maintain control of the true power of the state.
These internal divisions greatly weakened the state and in the late 1700s Mek Adlan II, son of Mek Taifara, took power during a turbulent time at which a turkish presence was being established in the Funj kingdom. The Turkish ruler, Al-Tahir Agha, married Khadeeja, daughter of Mek Adlan II. This paved the way for the assimilation of the Funj into the Ottoman Empire.
In 1821, Ismail bin Muhammad Ali the general and son of the nominally Ottoman khedive of Egypt, Muhammad Ali, led an army into Sennar; he encountered no resistance from the last king, whose realm was promptly absorbed into Ottoman Egypt. The region was subsequently absorbed into the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and the independent Republic of Sudan on that country's independence in 1956.
Rulers of SennarAmara Dunqas 1503-1533/4 (AH 940)
Nayil 1533/4 (AH 940)-1550/1 (AH 957)
Abd al-Qadir I 1550/1 (AH 957)-1557/8 (AH 965)Abu Sakikin 1557/8 (AH 965)-1568
Dakin 1568-1585/6 (AH 994)Dawra 1585/6 (AH 994)-1587/8 (AH 996)
Tayyib 1587/8 (AH 996)-1591Unsa I 1591-1603/4 (AH 1012)
Abd al-Qadir II 1603/4 (AH 1012)-1606Adlan I 1606-1611/2 (AH 1020)
Badi I 1611/2 (AH 1020)-1616/7 (AH 1025)Rabat I 1616/7 (AH 1025)-1644/5
Badi II 1644/5-1681Unsa II 1681-1692Badi III 1692-1716Unsa III 1719-1720
Nul 1720-1724Badi IV 1724-1762Nasir 1762-1769Isma'il 1768-1769Adlan II 1776-1789
Awkal 1787-1788Tayyib II 1788-1790Badi V 1790Nawwar 1790-1791Badi VI 1791-1798
Ranfi 1798-1804Agban 1804-1805Badi VII 1805-1821Hamaj regents
Abu Likayik - 1769-1775/6Badi walad Rajab - 1775/6-1780Rajab 1780-1786/7
Nasir 1786/7-1788References
R.S. O'Fahey and J.L Spaulding Kingdoms of the SudanSinonimi di Storia del FUG
In the fifteenth century the part of Nubia formerly controlled by Makuria was home to a number of small states and subject to frequent incursions by desert nomads. The situation in Alodia is less well known, but it also seems as though that state had collapsed. The area was reunified under Abdallah Jamma, the gatherer, who came from the eastern regions that had grown wealthy and powerful from the trade on the Red Sea. Abdallah's empire was short lived as in the early sixteenth century the Funj people under Amara Dunkas arrived from the south, having been driven north by the Shilluk. The Funj defeated Abdallah and set up their own kingdom based at Sennar.
The Funj had originally practiced a religious mix of Animism and Christianity. Islam also had an important influence, and in 1523 the Sennar monarchy officially converted to that religion, though many elements of the previous beliefs continued. Sennar expanded rapidly at the expense of neighboring states. Its power was extended over the Gezira, the Butana, the Bayuda, and southern Kordofan. This caused immediate tensions with its neighbours. Ethiopia felt much threatened but its internal problems prevented intervention. Newly Ottoman Egypt also saw the new state as a threat and invaded in force, but then failed to conquer the area, so the Ottoman forces fortified the border and consolidated their hold on northern Nubia. This border would hold until 1821.
Relations with Ethiopia were more strained as both states competed over lowlands between their two states. Eventually the Ethiopians moved their capital to nearby Gondar and secured their influence over these areas. Conflicts with the Shilluk to the south continued, but later the two were forced into an uneasy alliance to combat the growing might of the Dinka. Under Sultan Badi II, Sennar defeated the Kingdom of Taqali to the west and made its ruler (styled Woster or Makk) its vassal.
The armies of Sennar relied most on heavy cavalry: horsemen drawn from the nobility, armed with long broadswords as the toe stirrups they used did not permit the use of lances. These riders were armoured with chain mail while the horses were covered in thick quilts and copper headgear. A greater mass of troops were infantry who were composed of slaves, also carrying swords and armoured. This permanent standing army was garrisoned in castles and forts throughout the sultanate. Reliance on a standing army meant that the armies fielded by Sennar were usually quite small, but highly effective against their less organized rivals.
Sennar was heavily divided along geographic and racial/ethnic lines. The society was divided into six racial groups. The blue, the green, the yellow, the red, the green mixed with yellow, and the slaves who were brought from further south. The capital, prosperous through trade, hosted representatives from all over the Middle East and Africa.
There was a sharp division between those who were the heirs of the ancient kingdom of Alodia and the rest of Sennar. The Alodians adopted the mantle of the defeated Abdallah Jamma and came to be known as the Abdallab. In the late sixteenth century they rose in revolt under Ajib the Great. Ajib routed the Kings of Sennar, first making them his vassals and then seizing almost the entire kingdom in 1606. The Sennar monarchy regrouped under Adlan I, defeating Ajib in a pair of decisive battles. Eventually a compromise was reached whereby Ajib and his successors would rule the Sennar province of Dongola with a great deal of autonomy.
Sennar was at its peak at the end of the sixteenth century, but over the seventeenth it began to decline as the power of the monarchy was eroded. The wealth and power of the sultans had long rested on the control of the economy. All caravans were controlled by the monarch, as was the gold supply that functioned as the state's main currency. In time this power was eroded. Foreign currencies became widely used by merchants breaking the power of the monarch to closely control the economy. The thriving trade created a wealthy class of educated and literate merchants, who read widely about Islam and became much concerned about the lack of orthodoxy in the kingdom. The monarchy of Sennar had long been regarded as semi-divine, in keeping with ancient traditions, but this idea ran strongly counter to Islam. Many festivals and rituals also persisted from earlier days, and a number them involved massive consumption of alcohol. These traditions were also abandoned. The greatest challenge to the authority of the king was the merchant funded ulema who insisted it was rightfully their duty to mete out justice.
In 1762 Badi IV was overthrown in a coup launched by Abu Likayik of the red Hamaj from the northeast of the country. Abu Likayik installed another member of the royal family as his puppet sultan and ruled as regent. This began long conflict between the Funj sultans attempting to reassert their independence and authority and the Hamaj regents attempting to maintain control of the true power of the state.
These internal divisions greatly weakened the state and in the late 1700s Mek Adlan II, son of Mek Taifara, took power during a turbulent time at which a turkish presence was being established in the Funj kingdom. The Turkish ruler, Al-Tahir Agha, married Khadeeja, daughter of Mek Adlan II. This paved the way for the assimilation of the Funj into the Ottoman Empire.
In 1821, Ismail bin Muhammad Ali the general and son of the nominally Ottoman khedive of Egypt, Muhammad Ali, led an army into Sennar; he encountered no resistance from the last king, whose realm was promptly absorbed into Ottoman Egypt. The region was subsequently absorbed into the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and the independent Republic of Sudan on that country's independence in 1956.
Rulers of SennarAmara Dunqas 1503-1533/4 (AH 940)
Nayil 1533/4 (AH 940)-1550/1 (AH 957)
Abd al-Qadir I 1550/1 (AH 957)-1557/8 (AH 965)Abu Sakikin 1557/8 (AH 965)-1568
Dakin 1568-1585/6 (AH 994)Dawra 1585/6 (AH 994)-1587/8 (AH 996)
Tayyib 1587/8 (AH 996)-1591Unsa I 1591-1603/4 (AH 1012)
Abd al-Qadir II 1603/4 (AH 1012)-1606Adlan I 1606-1611/2 (AH 1020)
Badi I 1611/2 (AH 1020)-1616/7 (AH 1025)Rabat I 1616/7 (AH 1025)-1644/5
Badi II 1644/5-1681Unsa II 1681-1692Badi III 1692-1716Unsa III 1719-1720
Nul 1720-1724Badi IV 1724-1762Nasir 1762-1769Isma'il 1768-1769Adlan II 1776-1789
Awkal 1787-1788Tayyib II 1788-1790Badi V 1790Nawwar 1790-1791Badi VI 1791-1798
Ranfi 1798-1804Agban 1804-1805Badi VII 1805-1821Hamaj regents
Abu Likayik - 1769-1775/6Badi walad Rajab - 1775/6-1780Rajab 1780-1786/7
Nasir 1786/7-1788References
R.S. O'Fahey and J.L Spaulding Kingdoms of the SudanEsempi per Storia del FUG
In the fifteenth century the part of Nubia formerly controlled by Makuria was home to a number of small states and subject to frequent incursions by desert nomads. The situation in Alodia is less well known, but it also seems as though that state had collapsed. The area was reunified under Abdallah Jamma, the gatherer, who came from the eastern regions that had grown wealthy and powerful from the trade on the Red Sea. Abdallah's empire was short lived as in the early sixteenth century the Funj people under Amara Dunkas arrived from the south, having been driven north by the Shilluk. The Funj defeated Abdallah and set up their own kingdom based at Sennar.
The Funj had originally practiced a religious mix of Animism and Christianity. Islam also had an important influence, and in 1523 the Sennar monarchy officially converted to that religion, though many elements of the previous beliefs continued. Sennar expanded rapidly at the expense of neighboring states. Its power was extended over the Gezira, the Butana, the Bayuda, and southern Kordofan. This caused immediate tensions with its neighbours. Ethiopia felt much threatened but its internal problems prevented intervention. Newly Ottoman Egypt also saw the new state as a threat and invaded in force, but then failed to conquer the area, so the Ottoman forces fortified the border and consolidated their hold on northern Nubia. This border would hold until 1821.
Relations with Ethiopia were more strained as both states competed over lowlands between their two states. Eventually the Ethiopians moved their capital to nearby Gondar and secured their influence over these areas. Conflicts with the Shilluk to the south continued, but later the two were forced into an uneasy alliance to combat the growing might of the Dinka. Under Sultan Badi II, Sennar defeated the Kingdom of Taqali to the west and made its ruler (styled Woster or Makk) its vassal.
The armies of Sennar relied most on heavy cavalry: horsemen drawn from the nobility, armed with long broadswords as the toe stirrups they used did not permit the use of lances. These riders were armoured with chain mail while the horses were covered in thick quilts and copper headgear. A greater mass of troops were infantry who were composed of slaves, also carrying swords and armoured. This permanent standing army was garrisoned in castles and forts throughout the sultanate. Reliance on a standing army meant that the armies fielded by Sennar were usually quite small, but highly effective against their less organized rivals.
Sennar was heavily divided along geographic and racial/ethnic lines. The society was divided into six racial groups. The blue, the green, the yellow, the red, the green mixed with yellow, and the slaves who were brought from further south. The capital, prosperous through trade, hosted representatives from all over the Middle East and Africa.
There was a sharp division between those who were the heirs of the ancient kingdom of Alodia and the rest of Sennar. The Alodians adopted the mantle of the defeated Abdallah Jamma and came to be known as the Abdallab. In the late sixteenth century they rose in revolt under Ajib the Great. Ajib routed the Kings of Sennar, first making them his vassals and then seizing almost the entire kingdom in 1606. The Sennar monarchy regrouped under Adlan I, defeating Ajib in a pair of decisive battles. Eventually a compromise was reached whereby Ajib and his successors would rule the Sennar province of Dongola with a great deal of autonomy.
Sennar was at its peak at the end of the sixteenth century, but over the seventeenth it began to decline as the power of the monarchy was eroded. The wealth and power of the sultans had long rested on the control of the economy. All caravans were controlled by the monarch, as was the gold supply that functioned as the state's main currency. In time this power was eroded. Foreign currencies became widely used by merchants breaking the power of the monarch to closely control the economy. The thriving trade created a wealthy class of educated and literate merchants, who read widely about Islam and became much concerned about the lack of orthodoxy in the kingdom. The monarchy of Sennar had long been regarded as semi-divine, in keeping with ancient traditions, but this idea ran strongly counter to Islam. Many festivals and rituals also persisted from earlier days, and a number them involved massive consumption of alcohol. These traditions were also abandoned. The greatest challenge to the authority of the king was the merchant funded ulema who insisted it was rightfully their duty to mete out justice.
In 1762 Badi IV was overthrown in a coup launched by Abu Likayik of the red Hamaj from the northeast of the country. Abu Likayik installed another member of the royal family as his puppet sultan and ruled as regent. This began long conflict between the Funj sultans attempting to reassert their independence and authority and the Hamaj regents attempting to maintain control of the true power of the state.
These internal divisions greatly weakened the state and in the late 1700s Mek Adlan II, son of Mek Taifara, took power during a turbulent time at which a turkish presence was being established in the Funj kingdom. The Turkish ruler, Al-Tahir Agha, married Khadeeja, daughter of Mek Adlan II. This paved the way for the assimilation of the Funj into the Ottoman Empire.
In 1821, Ismail bin Muhammad Ali the general and son of the nominally Ottoman khedive of Egypt, Muhammad Ali, led an army into Sennar; he encountered no resistance from the last king, whose realm was promptly absorbed into Ottoman Egypt. The region was subsequently absorbed into the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and the independent Republic of Sudan on that country's independence in 1956.
Rulers of SennarAmara Dunqas 1503-1533/4 (AH 940)
Nayil 1533/4 (AH 940)-1550/1 (AH 957)
Abd al-Qadir I 1550/1 (AH 957)-1557/8 (AH 965)Abu Sakikin 1557/8 (AH 965)-1568
Dakin 1568-1585/6 (AH 994)Dawra 1585/6 (AH 994)-1587/8 (AH 996)
Tayyib 1587/8 (AH 996)-1591Unsa I 1591-1603/4 (AH 1012)
Abd al-Qadir II 1603/4 (AH 1012)-1606Adlan I 1606-1611/2 (AH 1020)
Badi I 1611/2 (AH 1020)-1616/7 (AH 1025)Rabat I 1616/7 (AH 1025)-1644/5
Badi II 1644/5-1681Unsa II 1681-1692Badi III 1692-1716Unsa III 1719-1720
Nul 1720-1724Badi IV 1724-1762Nasir 1762-1769Isma'il 1768-1769Adlan II 1776-1789
Awkal 1787-1788Tayyib II 1788-1790Badi V 1790Nawwar 1790-1791Badi VI 1791-1798
Ranfi 1798-1804Agban 1804-1805Badi VII 1805-1821Hamaj regents
Abu Likayik - 1769-1775/6Badi walad Rajab - 1775/6-1780Rajab 1780-1786/7
Nasir 1786/7-1788References
R.S. O'Fahey and J.L Spaulding Kingdoms of the SudanVedi anche Traduzioni di Storia del FUG
In the fifteenth century the part of Nubia formerly controlled by Makuria was home to a number of small states and subject to frequent incursions by desert nomads. The situation in Alodia is less well known, but it also seems as though that state had collapsed. The area was reunified under Abdallah Jamma, the gatherer, who came from the eastern regions that had grown wealthy and powerful from the trade on the Red Sea. Abdallah's empire was short lived as in the early sixteenth century the Funj people under Amara Dunkas arrived from the south, having been driven north by the Shilluk. The Funj defeated Abdallah and set up their own kingdom based at Sennar.
The Funj had originally practiced a religious mix of Animism and Christianity. Islam also had an important influence, and in 1523 the Sennar monarchy officially converted to that religion, though many elements of the previous beliefs continued. Sennar expanded rapidly at the expense of neighboring states. Its power was extended over the Gezira, the Butana, the Bayuda, and southern Kordofan. This caused immediate tensions with its neighbours. Ethiopia felt much threatened but its internal problems prevented intervention. Newly Ottoman Egypt also saw the new state as a threat and invaded in force, but then failed to conquer the area, so the Ottoman forces fortified the border and consolidated their hold on northern Nubia. This border would hold until 1821.
Relations with Ethiopia were more strained as both states competed over lowlands between their two states. Eventually the Ethiopians moved their capital to nearby Gondar and secured their influence over these areas. Conflicts with the Shilluk to the south continued, but later the two were forced into an uneasy alliance to combat the growing might of the Dinka. Under Sultan Badi II, Sennar defeated the Kingdom of Taqali to the west and made its ruler (styled Woster or Makk) its vassal.
The armies of Sennar relied most on heavy cavalry: horsemen drawn from the nobility, armed with long broadswords as the toe stirrups they used did not permit the use of lances. These riders were armoured with chain mail while the horses were covered in thick quilts and copper headgear. A greater mass of troops were infantry who were composed of slaves, also carrying swords and armoured. This permanent standing army was garrisoned in castles and forts throughout the sultanate. Reliance on a standing army meant that the armies fielded by Sennar were usually quite small, but highly effective against their less organized rivals.
Sennar was heavily divided along geographic and racial/ethnic lines. The society was divided into six racial groups. The blue, the green, the yellow, the red, the green mixed with yellow, and the slaves who were brought from further south. The capital, prosperous through trade, hosted representatives from all over the Middle East and Africa.
There was a sharp division between those who were the heirs of the ancient kingdom of Alodia and the rest of Sennar. The Alodians adopted the mantle of the defeated Abdallah Jamma and came to be known as the Abdallab. In the late sixteenth century they rose in revolt under Ajib the Great. Ajib routed the Kings of Sennar, first making them his vassals and then seizing almost the entire kingdom in 1606. The Sennar monarchy regrouped under Adlan I, defeating Ajib in a pair of decisive battles. Eventually a compromise was reached whereby Ajib and his successors would rule the Sennar province of Dongola with a great deal of autonomy.
Sennar was at its peak at the end of the sixteenth century, but over the seventeenth it began to decline as the power of the monarchy was eroded. The wealth and power of the sultans had long rested on the control of the economy. All caravans were controlled by the monarch, as was the gold supply that functioned as the state's main currency. In time this power was eroded. Foreign currencies became widely used by merchants breaking the power of the monarch to closely control the economy. The thriving trade created a wealthy class of educated and literate merchants, who read widely about Islam and became much concerned about the lack of orthodoxy in the kingdom. The monarchy of Sennar had long been regarded as semi-divine, in keeping with ancient traditions, but this idea ran strongly counter to Islam. Many festivals and rituals also persisted from earlier days, and a number them involved massive consumption of alcohol. These traditions were also abandoned. The greatest challenge to the authority of the king was the merchant funded ulema who insisted it was rightfully their duty to mete out justice.
In 1762 Badi IV was overthrown in a coup launched by Abu Likayik of the red Hamaj from the northeast of the country. Abu Likayik installed another member of the royal family as his puppet sultan and ruled as regent. This began long conflict between the Funj sultans attempting to reassert their independence and authority and the Hamaj regents attempting to maintain control of the true power of the state.
These internal divisions greatly weakened the state and in the late 1700s Mek Adlan II, son of Mek Taifara, took power during a turbulent time at which a turkish presence was being established in the Funj kingdom. The Turkish ruler, Al-Tahir Agha, married Khadeeja, daughter of Mek Adlan II. This paved the way for the assimilation of the Funj into the Ottoman Empire.
In 1821, Ismail bin Muhammad Ali the general and son of the nominally Ottoman khedive of Egypt, Muhammad Ali, led an army into Sennar; he encountered no resistance from the last king, whose realm was promptly absorbed into Ottoman Egypt. The region was subsequently absorbed into the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and the independent Republic of Sudan on that country's independence in 1956.
Rulers of SennarAmara Dunqas 1503-1533/4 (AH 940)
Nayil 1533/4 (AH 940)-1550/1 (AH 957)
Abd al-Qadir I 1550/1 (AH 957)-1557/8 (AH 965)Abu Sakikin 1557/8 (AH 965)-1568
Dakin 1568-1585/6 (AH 994)Dawra 1585/6 (AH 994)-1587/8 (AH 996)
Tayyib 1587/8 (AH 996)-1591Unsa I 1591-1603/4 (AH 1012)
Abd al-Qadir II 1603/4 (AH 1012)-1606Adlan I 1606-1611/2 (AH 1020)
Badi I 1611/2 (AH 1020)-1616/7 (AH 1025)Rabat I 1616/7 (AH 1025)-1644/5
Badi II 1644/5-1681Unsa II 1681-1692Badi III 1692-1716Unsa III 1719-1720
Nul 1720-1724Badi IV 1724-1762Nasir 1762-1769Isma'il 1768-1769Adlan II 1776-1789
Awkal 1787-1788Tayyib II 1788-1790Badi V 1790Nawwar 1790-1791Badi VI 1791-1798
Ranfi 1798-1804Agban 1804-1805Badi VII 1805-1821Hamaj regents
Abu Likayik - 1769-1775/6Badi walad Rajab - 1775/6-1780Rajab 1780-1786/7
Nasir 1786/7-1788ReferencesR.S. O'Fahey and J.L Spaulding Kingdoms of the Sudan